Collective Object, an installation at Nine Gallery, Portland OR


Photography by Stephen Funk

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Collective Object is an abstract account of objects in our lives. Objects surround us daily, tangible elements that make up our homes, all of which hold an importance that varies with each individual. We collect objects for fun, investment, relaxation, social interaction, nostalgia, control and a host of other reasons reaching back to basic human instinct and the will to survive. The notion of ownership gives us a sense of power and compels us to hold on to those objects. They often serve as markers of time reminding us of something significant that takes precedence in our minds. Even as these objects shift importance from some heightened meaning to something forgotten, our desire to hang on to that object prevails.

As an abstract idea, the objects in Collective Object transcend from something specific to a generic representation of who we are and why we collect. Each of the objects is hand made, placing a hold on the notion that care and thought is put into the things we regard valuable. And although each piece has its own characteristic, I want to represent a commonality in people that removes us from the specifics of being an individual transforming us into a collective whole. None of the objects in this exhibition are meant to represent anything specific. The objects change in shape from one thing into another suggesting the transformation of meaning objects hold in our lives. As a whole, it creates a singular experience of suspended meaning. It resounds with latent memories of things or ideas once felt but become intangible with time. It is a narrative that is no longer yours.




Light and Shadow