Pendulant - an installation of mobiles
Nine Gallery, Portland OR
June 4 - July 2, 2022
Music by: License code: DRB7E2CKXH8BDKGC
All Photos of Pendulant by Stephen Funk
Mobiles – suspension, repetition, spontaneity, work in three dimensions, detailed and fussy little parts, an expression in movement that defines my favorite kind of making, having all the essentials that are so much of a part of who I am and what I like to do as an artist. They are hanging kinetic individuals with balanced delicate and bold elements flowing around one another. When the air is still, they find themselves in indeterminate positions – a thousand static possibilities. Indeterminacy, a good word describing these mobiles, following John Cage in his definition referring to music. A gentle push, a little breeze, a twist of an element to watch it spin are all actions that will make a new arrangement in motion. These indeterminate qualities left open to chance are fascinating, giving us endless opportunities to observe.
In Dispossessed, author Ursula Le Guin writes about a character who describes, “…the single mobile…that moved in completely interwoven ellipsoid orbits about the common center, never quite meeting, never entirely parting…he called it, The Inhibition of Time.”